Financial Planning...
Below are our articles on the subject of Financial Planning. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Annuities: What Are the Alternatives?
The inflexibility of pension annuities has been a major source of frustration for pensioners for many years. However, since 2006 a number of alternatives have been…...

Assessing Your Assets
Towards the end of your career is the perfect time to take stock of your material worth and begin assessing your assets that will see your through your retirement years....

Bank Loans for the Retired-What You Should Consider
With retired people having a higher level of annual income than ever before there should really be no discrimination when it comes to bank loans for the retired....

Calculating Retirement Income
If you are approaching retirement, you'll need to think about how much of an income you will have to live on. This article outlines the key things to consider when…...

Choosing a Credit Card When Retired
Many retired people may find it difficult to obtain credit cards due to a decrease in income, but there are a few options available that can be considered....

Continuing to Work After Retirement Age
More people than ever before are continuing to work after retirement age not just for the financial benefits but also to ease themselves out of the working process…...

Could Tax Changes Ruin Your Retirement Plans?
Proposed changes to the capital gains tax threshold could have potentially disastrous implications for those without a pension but relying on a second home for their…...

Dealing With a Deceased Partner's Money
It may not be easy dealing with a deceased partner's debts, bank accounts, savings, tax, insurance and pensions. Advice and help is available, though....

Early Retirement
Early retirement may only be an achievable dream if you have planned your investments, and managed your savings and debts wisely throughout your working life....

Financing Retirement Challenges: World Economic Forum Report
The World Economic Forum has produced a report about financing retirement. The report's proposals affect everyone and refer to topics such as pensions, healthcare,…...

Finding Alternative Retirement Funding Options
pension, retirement, savings, fund, investment, tax, risk, property, bonds, stockmarket, winning, return, rate...

Health Insurance
Health insurance is seen by many as a necessary alternative treatment on the NHS, and although it is a costly option you may find it does have many financial benefits....

Help With Financial Problems
No matter what age you are money worries are a scary prospect, retirement can bring its own financial problems, and seeking out professional help is the first step to…...

How to Start Your Own Investment Club
Increasing numbers of investors are shunning equity funds and investing in the stock market directly through investment clubs. So how do investment clubs work and what…...

How Will the Budget Affect Pensioners?
Welcome to George Osborne's 'age of austerity', as spelt out in the new Government's recent Budget. But what implications does the Budget have for pensioners?...

Inheritance Tax
With a 40% tax charge, inheritance tax is seen as one of the highest tax charges but there are exemptions that may well mean you can avoid paying this tax....

Inheritance Tax: The Facts
The old saying goes that there are only two certainties in life: death and taxes. Never is this more true than with inheritance tax, which is paid on the estate when…...

ISAS or SIPPS? Controlling Your Retirement Savings Pot
Which is the best home for your retirement savings, an ISA or SIPP?...

Life Insurance
Taking out a life insurance policy is a way of ensuring that your family and loved ones are not burdened with your financial arrangement or debts after your death....

Managing Your Cash During Retirement
For many people facing retirement, the nightmare scenario is that they live long enough to outlast their savings. If you want to manage your cash successfully during…...

Maximise Your Earnings Past 65
Greater numbers of pensioners are choosing to work part-time or even working full-time in a less demanding job. What you need to know about working beyond 65....

Pensioners Facing a Dilemma Over Dividends
Pensioners and other investors who rely in dividends as a main source of income have been particularly hard hit by the credit crunch and the recession. This article…...

Pitfalls to Avoid With Your Retirement Savings
Knowing the financial pitfalls to avoid when making retirement plans should help when making investment choices and may ensure a better chance of a good retirement…...

Planning Ahead Financially
Planning ahead financially for your retirement should start at as early an age as possible in order for you to acheive an adequate standard of financial income when…...

Reallocating Your Assets to Suit Retirement
Getting your asset allocation right is the most important decision you can make with regards to your investments. This article explains how you should reallocate your…...

Saving for Children and Retirement
Saving for your children and retirement may prevent the need to use your own retirement funds to pay for future expenses such as weddings and university fees....

Ten Important Facts About Annuities
Annuities are often considered to be a thorny and complicated subject for people facing retirement. Here are ten important facts about annuities that everyone needs to…...

The Excessive Retirement Charges Affecting Pensioners
Disturbing reports have emerged of pensioners living in private retirement developments being hit with exorbitant service charges and excessive fees. Now the…...

Understanding the 'Open Market Option'
When it comes to setting a good level of income for retirement, it certainly pays to shop around. But how much do you know about the Open Market Option, and how it can…...

Where to Get a Good Financial Advisor
Finding a financial advisor is easy, simply look in any phone book and take your pick, however, finding a good financial advisor that you can trust will take time and…...

Why BP's Oil Spill is a Disaster for UK Pensions
The BP oil leak has been disastrous for the company, but what are the implications for UK pensions?...

Why Quantitative Easing is a Worry for Retirees
What exactly is quantitative easing, and why should pensioners be concerned about its long-term effects?...